Emmanuel Olufemi
2 min readJan 11, 2021


Why You Must Take That Risk.

Last year, I saw an offer to learn a particular skill. I was sceptical about it though due to the high rate of scammers online.

I don't jump into things without having a prior or clear knowledge of what that particular thing was even if it's free.

Usually, when such offers come up, I do some background check of the facilitator and read probably two or more testimonials to be very sure.

When I saw the flyer being shared by a friend, I thought it was all those regular offers. It wasn't expensive anyway.

Guess how much?


There is power in 1k offer, that's if you know what you are doing.

After much deliberations and contemplations, I resolved to go for it.

Friend, could you believe that what I learnt was worth more than #20,000?

I learnt that particular skill so well and ensured I consistently practice after the class.

I utilised that skill, got my 1k back and I have been doing so well.

What's my point exactly?

Regret in life is the risks you didn't take.

What if I missed that opportunity? What if I allowed a wrong notion or mindset towards that offer? I wouldn't I've learnt that much.

In fact l, I have persons who want me to teach them that same skill.

Life is a risk. Those risks build up our success stories.

Do not be so scared of making that move. Do not be scared of taking that risk

If you are scared or sceptical, ask questions and don't die in ignorance.

Run a background check if need be and grab that opportunity that could just change your life.

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. Take that chance and dance your way to greatness.

© Emmanuel Olufemi
The Inspiration Doctor (TID)
Content Creator | Inspirational Writer | Public Speaker




Emmanuel Olufemi

Content Creator **Inspirational Writer ** Social Media Manager*** I help SME’s & professionals build their brand through effective content marketing.