Emmanuel Olufemi
3 min readJan 11, 2021
That’s me. Handsome Boy (lol)

This year, I’m going to be different.

A new me, a new character, a new disposition and new behaviour.

I will read 5 books per week.

I don’t have time to chat with anyone. You chat with me, I’ll respond, offend me, I’ll block you.

Calm down!

What about those goals of last year you didn’t accomplish?

Are you abandoning it for a new one?

It’s not all about setting new goals and likes.

Go back to the unachieved goals of last year and act on it instead of making new goals.

It’s not all about the long list of goals, but more on the action and the steps you will take in achieving your set goals.

In 2021, irrespective of unachieved past goals, restructure your goals to these three goals. Very important.

I call it FSS goals to a productive 2021.

Financial Goals

You should have a financial target for the year. You know how you struggled all through last year because of no plans, no financial goals.

If you want the year to be productive, set a financial goal and work towards it. Spend judiciously and save. One quickest and easiest way to aid your financial goal is through monetization of your skills. Turn your passion to profit.

Self-Development Goals

If people can still recognise you from when last they came in contact with you and now, then, you are joking. You’ve got to be more intentional this year. Be deliberate about self-development.

You can’t just remain at a single spot. Stagnant water will stink. Set a schedule for yourself. Buy books, attend webinars, attend conferences. Show up! Add to the knowledge you have because when you are not updated, you will be outdated.

Spiritual Goals

This is the most important of all because without God you can’t achieve anything. Irrespective of your religion, tribe or race. You need to have a firm relationship with your creator. He directs, gives inspiration and shields you from evil.

You deserve a productive 2021. It can only be productive if you are dedicated, determined and disciplined.

I hope you found this useful?

© Emmanuel Olufemi

The Inspiration Doctor (TID)

Content Creator | Inspirational Writer | Public Speaker





Emmanuel Olufemi

Content Creator **Inspirational Writer ** Social Media Manager*** I help SME’s & professionals build their brand through effective content marketing.